
Hey, I’m Dr Eleanor Trezise. I am a foundation doctor working in the UK and I studied Graduate Entry Medicine. Through this blog I share tips and advice with aspiring doctors who are also graduates.

I want to help more grads get into Medicine.

When I was preparing for GAMSAT I noticed that while there were a tonne of affordable UCAT and BMAT resources around, there were next to none for GAMSAT.

I also noticed that there’s a lot of free advice out there for aspiring medics who are also school leavers. Advice for grads, on the other hand, was far and few between. Grad-specific advice is often an afterthought or side note.

As a result I felt very unsupported and a bit out on a limb when applying for Medicine as a grad! I am trying to create the website I would have wanted to find back then.

This blog is evolving all the time as I get new ideas and try to think back to the time when I was applying to medical school. If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to see, or are also a blogger/content creator and would like to collaborate on something, please drop me an email.


Back in 2017 I created this website as a way to advertise my maths, science and GAMSAT tuition services, as well as share resources and free advice. After I scored in the top 12% in GAMSAT and thus had achieved the score I needed to get an interview, I began to tutor other GAMSAT takers.

However, the focus of this website changed in summer 2019 – I now principally use this site for sharing free, useful advice for grads. I am also motivated by the fact I love writing.

Other things about me

In my second year of Graduate Entry Medicine, I was successful at applying to be a clinical skills tutor. This is a paid position teaching clinical skills to medical students in the years below me at my medical school.

I was formerly a student representative on the Royal Society of Medicine Food & Health Council.

Between my MSc and starting medical school I worked as a surgical theatre circulating assistant in the NHS.


In 2023 I graduated from St George’s in the UK and qualified as a doctor. In 2017 I achieved a distinction in a MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London. I studied a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences and Synthetic Organic Chemistry at UCL.