Where to Find a GAMSAT Study Group
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There are lots of benefits to studying with others. In my experience, it certainly makes preparing for GAMSAT more bearable!
When I was preparing for GAMSAT I came across a London-based study group via The Student Room (see below). We met up in the British Library and… I’ll be honest… the first session wasn’t the most productive! We ended up chatting about medical school applications and how intimidated we were by the test.
As time went by the group thinned down to 3 or so people. We met up occasionally, shared some resources and supported each other via WhatsApp. After each of my two GAMSAT sittings I met up with them for a drink. It was nice to feel like I wasn’t going through it all alone.
Below are 4 places you should be able to find other GAMSAT takers and therefore offers to join study groups. You could of course always set up a study group of your own!
1. GAMSAT subreddit (r/GAMSAT)
This subreddit has candidates from round the world. Tonnes of advice can be found here too.
Link: reddit.com/r/GAMSAT
2. The Student Room
Often referred to as “TSR”, this website is aimed at students studying all kinds of subjects the UK.
To find fellow GAMSAT sitters, search for the GAMSAT thread in the Medicine forum that’s created annually.
Most candidates on TSR are from the UK.
Link: thestudentroom.co.uk
3. PagingDr
This old school forum is brimming with GAMSAT advice and also potential study group members.
There is even a thread dedicated to free section 2 essay feedback which I mention in my GAMSAT Free Resources Master List.
You’ll mostly find Australia-based candidates, but there are also candidates from elsewhere including the UK and Ireland.
Link: pagingdr.net
4. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
Explore the #GAMSAT hashtag on both Instagram & Twitter. You’re bound to find other GAMSAT takers who you can follow, get to know and share the journey with. You could even propose a virtual study group via Zoom.
There are also quite a few Facebook groups dedicated to GAMSAT. Just be mindful that some groups have been set up by companies hoping to sell courses, resources or tutoring to you. Not saying there’s anything wrong with this but if you don’t want to be sold to keep looking until you find a group that’s company-free.
Example groups:
- GAMSAT 2021 Study Group
- GAMSAT Resources & Study Group
- And find more via a FB search for groups: click here
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You might also be interested in my article 5 Excellent GAMSAT Prep Resources.