5 Books to Read Before Your Medical School Interview
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When I got an invite to interview at my first-choice medical school (as well as 2 others) I was determined to ace it!
That winter I Googled recommended preparation materials and tried many.
Many times during the application process I doubted if I would even get into medical school. But the first interview I did – it was nerve-wrackingly at my first choice – was successful. When I saw the offer letter it felt incredible!
Through research, personal experience and now having helped others with their interviews I feel I’ve got a good grasp of the books you will benefit from reading. Below I share with you my top 5.
Updated 8th November 2020
1. Medical School Interviews (2nd Edition) By Olivier Picard and George Lee
This bestselling book offers a truly comprehensive guide to preparing for interviews, from model answers to all the knowledge you’ll need. I used it myself to help me succeed.
Its only drawback is that the hot topics do not update with each year the book ages. Therefore, a fantastic compliment is the Hot Topics section of my Medical School Interviews Crash Course ebook. This ebook is updated annually. You can download it for free when you subscribe to the mailing list.
A free alternative to Picard and Lee’s book is the recently released ebook by WeAreMedics. I didn’t personally use this book so I can’t recommend it per se, but since it’s free it could be worth a look!
2. A Very Short Introduction to Medical Law by Charles Foster
For interviews you will need to know the four pillars of medical ethics and understand how to use them to make a judgement call in an ethical predicament.
Charles’s short book is informative and witty. You are sure to find the cases he explores incredibly interesting.
A perfectly good alternative (or supplement) is A Very Short Introduction to Medical Ethics by Tony Hope. Both cover the essentials you need to know.
For a quick but effective one-page tutorial on medical ethics check out my free Medical School Interviews Crash Course ebook. You can download for free when you subscribe to my mailing list.
3. Do No Harm by Henry Marsh
Everybody I know who has read this book has loved it.
Written by a British neurosurgeon, this book provides a peek into the highs and lows of being a surgeon.
Henry also highlights multiple ethical predicaments he has encountered in his career and you will get a glimpse at the uncertainty, responsibilities and mistakes you must shoulder as a doctor.
4. This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay
Adam Kay is an ex-doctor-turned-writer-and-comedian. The book is a repurposed diary from his years training as a doctor.
Funny yet touching and honest, it’s a great read because you’ll get a valuable insight into the ups and downs of working on the NHS frontline. It is genuinely hilarious in parts too!
5. Medical School Interviews Crash Course ebook
This book is packed with essential knowledge, advice and tips for acing your interview.
Because it is updated and improved annually you can trust the content to be relevant and up-to-date. (Every year I also welcome feedback from readers like you! This helps me to continue to improve the book).
It will be helpful to both graduates and school leavers. Plus it covers both panel interviews and MMIs.
Download it for free when you sign up to my mailing list.
You’ve got this! Good luck.
What’s your favourite medicine-related book? Leave a comment below.